- Be on the qui vive!
- Гляди<те> в оба!
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
To be on the qui vive — Qui vive Qui vive (k[ e] v[ e]v ). [F., fr. qui who + vive, pres. subj. of vivre to live.] The challenge of a French sentinel, or patrol; used like the English challenge: Who comes there? [1913 Webster] {To be on the qui vive}, to be on guard; to … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
on the qui vive — noun lively attentiveness • Syn: ↑alertness, ↑sharp sightedness • Derivationally related forms: ↑sharp sighted (for: ↑sharp sightedness), ↑alert (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Qui vive — (k[ e] v[ e]v ). [F., fr. qui who + vive, pres. subj. of vivre to live.] The challenge of a French sentinel, or patrol; used like the English challenge: Who comes there? [1913 Webster] {To be on the qui vive}, to be on guard; to be watchful and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
qui vive? — [kē vēv′] 〚Fr, (long) live who? (i.e., which monarch or ruler do you support?, whose side are you on?), 3d pers. sing., pres. subj., of vivre, to live (< L vivere) + qui, who (< L)〛 who goes there? a sentry s challenge on the qui vive on the… … Universalium
qui vive? — [kē vēv′] [Fr, (long) live who? (i.e., which monarch or ruler do you support?, whose side are you on?), 3d pers. sing., pres. subj., of vivre, to live (< L vivere) + qui, who (< L)] who goes there? a sentry s challenge on the qui vive on… … English World dictionary
on the qui vive — on the alert or lookout. → qui vive … English new terms dictionary
qui vive — noun Etymology: French qui vive, from qui vive? long live who?, challenge of a French sentry Date: 1726 alert, lookout used in the phrase on the qui vive … New Collegiate Dictionary
qui vive — /kee veev / 1. (italics) French. who goes there? 2. on the qui vive, on the alert; watchful: Special guards were on the qui vive for trespassers. [1720 30; < F lit., (long) live who? (i.e., on whose side are you?)] * * * … Universalium
qui vive — /ki ˈviv/ (say kee veev) phrase on the qui vive, on the alert. {French: (long) live who? – as if calling for such a reply as Vive le roi! Long live the king!} …
qui vive — (kee VEEV) [French: who goes there?] On the qui vive: on the lookout; on the alert; watchful … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
qui vive — [ki: vi:v] noun (in phr. on the qui vive) on the alert or lookout. Origin C16: from Fr., lit. (long) live who? , i.e. on whose side are you? , used as a sentry s challenge … English new terms dictionary